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The Film
KURANG MANIS (SUGAR,LESS) is a documentary that explores the lives of six ordinary Malaysians who bare all about their hopes and dreams about New Malaysia and what it means to be among one in two Malaysians who are living with a non-communicable disease, are overweight or obese. Through film, we introduce the most obese population in Southeast Asia to the world and expose why Malaysians are obsessed with their food, why they eat what they eat and litmus test the nation’s happiness index.
The Kurang Manis script was awarded a 2nd Prize at the Motion Picture Association International Script to Screen Workshop Malaysia 2019 co-organised by MPA-APAC, FINAS and Wildsnapper TV. Read about it here on the MPA Reporter, on page 19.
*The script was referring to a new Malaysia after the 9th May 2018 elections (GE14). It’s now 2023 and the leadership of Malaysia has since changed hands FOUR times.
Release date: somewhere over the pandemic rainbow!
Executive Producers: Jules Rahman Ong & Nikki Yeo
Writer/Producer/Director: Jasmine Low
A production by EQn Activation & The Reel Media
Marketed by GoInternationalGroup.com
Initiated by AsiaFitnessToday.com
We’re crowdfunding this! You can support the film by:
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Bahasa Malaysia
KURANG MANIS adalah sebuah filem dokumentari yang memaparkan semangat dan gaya hidup enam orang rakyat Malaysia, gambaran impian mereka dalam era Malaysia Baru dan pendapat mereka tentang negara, makanan kegemaran rakyat Malaysia dan masalah obesiti terkini. Adakah ianya sebuah khayalan ataupun fakta bahawa Malaysia mempunyai kes-kes obesiti yang paling tinggi di Asia Tenggara? Apakah asal-usul makanan kegemaran rakyat Malaysia?
Kurang Manis dipilih sebagai Pemenang Hadiah Ke-2 di Persatuan Gambar Gerak Persatuan Skrip Antarabangsa ke Bengkel Skrin Malaysia 2019 yang dianjurkan oleh Finas dan Wildsnapper TV.
Tarikh pelepasan: Kian diumumkan
Pengeluar Eksekutif: Jules Rahman Ong & Nikki Yeo
Penulis / Penerbit / Pengarah: Jasmine Low
Produksi EQn Activation & TheReelMedia
Dipasarkan oleh GoInternationalGroup.com
Anjuran bersama AsiaFitnessToday.com
Kami akan bermula dengan kempen crowdfunding, jadi sokongkanlah filem ini dan sertai acara-acara senaman yang dipaparkan atas talian di Move8.org. Bersama-sama, kita boleh memperbaiki kehidupan berjuta-juta rakyat Malaysia dan juga rakyat di Asia Pasifik satu langkah pada satu masa.
The Podcast
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Read full interviews on the Asia Fitness Today website: https://www.asiafitnesstoday.com/?p=9039
The Newsletter

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The Expo

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In the News
- Issue Jan-Dec 2020: Motion Picture Association Asia-Pacific Reporter
- Asia Pacific Screen Awards
- Motion Picture Association Asia-Pacific magazine: