How does it work?
Move AID is a sharing economy platform that makes sports & fitness accessible to ALL. It’s simple. Health and fitness are basic human rights and should be made available across all layers of society.
Who are Move8 Buddies?
Move AID is supported by participants who sign up as Move8 Buddies. These are everyday people who sign on to be “FIT for GOOD”. Interested? Join here.
Who does Move AID benefit?
Move AID supports anyone who NEEDS community support to live their best lives. We focus on supporting three main groups of beneficiaries: women, senior citizens and persons with disabilities (PWDs).
Book Move AID Assist

We currently operate in Penang & Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Sydney in Australia.
- Bookings are charged at A$66 or RM66 per 45-minute blocks and your contribution funds our operations, volunteer meals and third-party costs where applicable.
Select your package:
Book trial-session with:
A. Tea Buddy
B. Movement Buddy
C. Tech Buddy
Send us a WhatsApp
Buy 10 sessions (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Buy 10 sessions (Sydney, Australia)
Operated by volunteers, select what you would like assistance with from your Move8 buddy.
Move AID serves the elderly, women and any underprivileged communities at no charge.
Know someone who may need assistance?
- We’re a profit-for-purpose social enterprise aspiring towards B-Corp status.
- How are we funded? Advertising and Subscriptions, events, movement sessions, t-shirts, merchandise & programs go towards funding all programs and activities run by Move8 MoveAID including the development and hosting of this website.
- MoveAID – a community service that provides movement sessions and food/grocery delivery assistance for those in need for FREE. Recipients of MoveAID include senior citizens in retirement homes or in convalescence care and nominees approved by our Advisory Panel.
All payments are administered by Go International Group Dotcom Sdn. Bhd. in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Go International Group Dotcom Pty. Ltd. in Sydney, Australia.