Welcome to AFT Podcasts; a series of sports, health, wellness and fitness podcasts featuring interviews with aficionados, celebrities, personalities and everyday people who are simply being amazing!
Listen by Heart Podcast
Listen in to conversations with women of the South China Sea in search of one common thread — life purpose… Podcast host Jasmine Low speaks with women of this region, shares their stories and narrates articles from yesteryear and delves into her 10-year research into sound frequencies and how that got her to “Listen by Heart” in finding her own purpose. Were all of the women before her in search of the same goal? It’s telling in the daily greeting by Nanyang migrants in their own dialects, “Have you eaten?”. Is this why so many people share food pics because it’s a trophy for survival?
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Move8 Fitness Podcast
Move8 • Move It • MoveAID is a fitness movement that advocates wellness education and action, making fitness accessible to all layers of society. Co-hosts Nikki Yeo & Jasmine Low bring listeners up close with everyday heroes who use their own fitness for good. What’s their secret to happiness?
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The Kurang Manis (Sugar, Less) Podcast
Help! I’m pre-diabetic! The Kurang Manis (Sugar, Less) Podcast goes in search of ways to avoid diabetes. AsiaFitnessToday.com co-founders Nikki Yeo & Jasmine Low interview health & fitness personalities from Asia and the Pacific; athletes, medical doctors, allied health professionals, fitness & wellness experts and people living with diabetes. Bring your cuppa tea! In Malaysia, it’s the Teh Tarik, made frothy by swift hand movements of a tea-pulling expert but 8tsp of condensed milk?! Kurang manis, boss! Sugar, less…