Welcome to the Move8 Method
May these Pillars of Wellness be your guide to your own personal quest for living your best and healthiest life and being able to use your Fitness for Good.

Pillar 1: Find your 8, your team
Find your workout besties, a group of 8 people that will mutually commit to supporting each other, move with you and you with them, eat with you, listen to one another and simply having fun while achieving your individual health & wellness goals. What do you love doing while working out a sweat?

Pillar 2: Listen to your Heart
Find quiet time daily, even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes. Pen down your health goals, map your achievements, doodle your latest thoughts – all on a note pad or a diary. Writing down your goals will help put thoughts into pespective, and make it bite-sized and achievable. It can also help reset our neural pathways and stretch your neural plasticity. Healthy bodies require healthy minds, so why don’t we give our heart’s desires a listen?
World Mental Health Day on 10/10 is a day where they break the silence about mental health as a social stigma. Tune in to your mental health.
Listen by Heart Podcast | Mental Health Programs (coming soon)

Pillar 3: Movement as Therapy
Brisk walks, building up to higher intensity ones and muscle building with resistance exercises. Ever heard of doctors prescribing 10,000 steps per day or 7KM? That’s why we love our advisory panel from Exercise is Medicine Society Malaysia. You could start slowly by walking every opportunity you get, use the escalator instead of the lift, walk or bike to work or incorporate sporting activities into your social life. Build it up slowly to achieve an average of 10,000 steps per day!
Move8 Fitness Podcast | Fitness Programs | Directory
đź›’ Shop: Me Movement Live the Dream 30-day Program

Pillar 4: Food is Life
Food nourishes us, but it can also poison us. Understanding and knowing how your body reacts to the types of foods you eat can improve your well-being. Read labels, research and know what you eat. In brief, when we choose whole foods, we usually are already on the right path. But isn’t it fascinating how food directly affects our well-being? In ancient Indian Ayurvedic practise and Chinese herbal medicine – science has proven that certain foodstuffs with medicinal properties have been used successfully as remedy.
The Kurang Manis Movie | The Kurang Manis Podcast
đź›’ Shop: Move8 Eat-2-Fit 30-day Program
Disclaimer: Always consult your physician or a professional and not just self-administer. The World Wide Web contains lots of information, some not verified, so be cautious and fact check your sources.

Pillar 5: Rhythm & Beats
Pump your heart with beats badabom! There’s no movement possible without rhythm -inspired by the African Malinke tribe in documentary, FOLI. Through song and dance, humming and moving, your cells will surely vibrate at a higher frequency, won’t they?
“Everything in life is vibration.”
Albert Einstein
Programs (coming soon)

Pillar 6: Sleep Science
World Sleep Society research shows that routine and uninterrupted sleep could result in lower rates of diabetes & obesity, chronic illnesses and high blood pressure. When was the last time you had really good snooze?

Pillar 7: Growth is Constant
Keep on learning, go for growth, get certified or sign up for a course! Brains too need exercise to stay sharp and on point!

Pillar 8: Mindset Shift
Level up as each round of knowledge shifts us to a higher plane of existence to serve a greater purpose.
Ready up, Move8 Warriors!
Why Move8?
Asia Pacific is home to two-thirds of the world’s population. That’s about 4.3 billion people on this part of the world stretching from India through to Southeast Asia, all the way north to Japan, Korea and China and all the way south covering Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands including Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea.

Initiated by sports, fitness & wellness news/media website AsiaFitnessToday.com – the Move8 Fitness Movement is on a mission! We call it Mission 2030 with a focus on halving obesity rates in the region by 2030 in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals #3.
How will we achieve this?
By creating awareness about the importance of physical movement in our daily lives; using Rhythm & Movement as Therapy. Life is so much more fun when we move to rhythm, and let those positive vibes reverberate throughout every cell in our body. In other words, let’s Move it, LAH!
How is Move8 funded?
All profits generated from this movement via Move8 Marketplace directly fund Move8. This includes fundraising events, grants & sponsorships and merchandise sales. For partnership or corporate sponsorship inquiries, click here.
UNSDG #3: Ensure healthy lives
and promote well-being
for all at all ages
Move it, Move8 LAH!
What’s LAH? We were founded in Malaysia, and it’s just how we say it… with a LAH!
Take a pledge and start moving at your home office or in your workplace! We spend one-third, if not half of our lives in the workplace, so here’s a DO-IT-YOURSELF #MOVE8 Fitness Movement campaign designed for you and your co-workers/colleagues. Fix a date to exercise together weekly and keep it going! People from ALL walks of life can move but if you haven’t for awhile, we recommend you seek professional advise from your certified personal trainer or schedule a free demo with a Move8 Movement Partner to learn more. We have a wide network of certified fitness / dance / rhythm trainers that you can book to come to YOU physically or online.